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Mosque strange shapes and unique in the world

Apart from being a place of worship of Muslims, the mosque was also a high value in the form of the building. Very cool and amazing, just as with other buildings outside places of worship. Just imagine if Muslims can worship in one place. Fun course and following the mosques:

Masjid Al-Fateh, Bahrain

Masjid Badshahi, Pakistan

Masjid Europa Point, Gibraltar
Masjid Faisal, Pakistan
Masjid Larabanga, Mali

Masjid Omayyed, Syria
Mosque-masjidMasjid, Argentina

Pharisee-style calligraphy

Pharisee-style calligraphy

As seen from its name, Pharisee-style calligraphy developed by the Persians and the official character of this nation since the time of the Safavid dynasty until now. Calligraphy is prioritizing Pharisees line element, written without a vowel, and the expertise of the author is determined by the agility to play the thick-thin letter in the 'measure' the right. This style is widely used as exterior decoration of mosques in Iran, which is usually combined with colorful arabes.

Diwani calligraphy style

Diwani calligraphy style

Diwani calligraphy style developed by the calligrapher Ibrahim Munif. Then, enhanced by Sheikh Hamdullah and Daula Ottoman calligrapher in Turkey late 15th century and early 16th century. This style is used to write an official letter head of the kingdom. The character of this style and not berharakat round. The beauty of the writing depends on the line games that are sometimes at a particular letter or neninggi decline, far exceeding the standard horizontal line. Diwani calligraphy models used for architectural ornament and book covers.

Jali Diwani calligraphy style

Jali Diwani calligraphy style

Jali Diwani calligraphy style is Diwani style development. Calligraphy writing style was introduced by Hafiz Usman, a prominent calligrapher Daula in Ottoman Turkey. Anatomy letter Jali Diwani Diwani basically similar, but much more ornamental, solid, and sometimes in piles. In contrast to the no berharakat Diwani, Diwani Jali otherwise very abundant. Harakat is more abundant intended for decorative purposes and do not necessarily serve as punctuation. Therefore, this style is difficult to read in a flash. Usually, this model is used for applications that are not functional, such as mosques or interior decorative objects.

Raihani Style calligraphy

Raihani Style calligraphy
Style calligraphy certificate (Raihani) is a combination of styles Tsuluts and Naskhi, which was developed by the Ottoman calligrapher Daula. This style commonly used for writing diploma from a calligraphy teacher to pupil. Tsuluts characters such as letters, but more modest, less frills, and written unusual overlap (murakkab).

Daniel Streich - The Founder ban mosque In Switzerland

 Daniel Streich

Daniel Streich, Swiss politician, whose fame for campaigns against the establishment of mosques in the country, unexpectedly, embraced Islam. Daniel Streich is a famous politician, and he was the first to launch a mosque dome about the ban, and even had the idea to close the mosques in Switzerland. He came from the Swiss People's Party (SVP). Declaration Streich conversion to Islam tantrums Switzerland.

Streich propagating anti-Islamic movement that extends to the whole country. He sowed the seeds of anger and scorn for Muslims in the country, and pave the way for public opinion to the pulpit and the dome of the mosque.

But now Streich has become an adherent of Islam. Without completely expected, anti-Islamic thought that eventually brought so close to this religion. Streich even now have a desire to build the most beautiful mosques in Europe in Switzerland.

The most interesting in this regard is that at this moment there are four mosques in Switzerland and Streich want to make a fifth mosque. He admitted to looking for "forgiveness of his sin" that has poisoned the Islamic. Now is the fact that the ban on mosque domes have obtained legal status.

Aldai Abdul Majid, president of OPI, an NGO, working for the welfare of Muslims, said that the Europeans actually have a great desire to learn about Islam. Some of them wanted to know about the relationship between Islam and terrorism; as well as Streich. Story, it turns out during a confrontation, Streich studying the Koran and began to understand Islam.

Daniel Streich is a key member of the Swiss People's Party (SVP). He has an important position and influence party policy. In addition to his petition on the mosque's dome, he also won the Swiss Army military because of its popularity.source

Riq'ah Calligraphic style

Riq'ah Calligraphic style

Calligraphic style is the result of the development Riq'ah calligraphy styles Naskhi and Tsuluts. As with the writing style used in Naskhi everyday writing. Riq'ah Daula developed by the Ottoman calligrapher, also commonly used for ordinary handwriting or for other practical purposes. The character is very simple letters without vowel, making it possible to write fast.

About Dome Of Mosque

Dome Of Mosque

Like the tower and the sanctuary, the dome has not historically known at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Leading architecture, Prof K Cresswell in Early Muslim Architecture stated that the initial design of the mosque of Medina did not know the dome. In the reconstruction of the architecture, Cresswell shows how simple it is built mosque of the Prophet Muhammad.

Rasul mosque early architectural square with the wall as a barrier around it. Along the inside wall of the porch is made such a direct contact with an open field in the middle. As the development of technology architecture, the dome appears as the cover of the mosque building.

Dome Of Mosque

Dome did not come and rooted in Islamic architecture. That's because Islam does not take direct physical or cultural traditions of Islam does not teach grammar in a concrete form of architecture. Islam gives to his people the opportunity to determine the physical choices of minds.
Almost all cultures have known and dome. From time to time the dome shape is always changing. It is said that the first civilization to recognize and use the dome is the nation Mesopotamia from 6000 years ago. In the 14th century BC, the Mycenaean Greeks had found a vaulted tomb building (tholos Tombs).

However, there are also stating that the dome began to emerge during the Roman Empire, circa 100 AD One evidence is building pantheon (temple) in the city of Rome Hadria built at 118 King AD - 128 AD The use of recorded dome began growing rapidly in the early Christian period.

Dome structures and landscape at that time not too large, as there is in the building of Santa Costanza in Rome. In the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian also built a magnificent ancient dome. In the year 500 AD, he used the dome on the building in Constantinople Hagia Spohia.

So since when did Islam start using the dome of the mosque architecture? Historical and archaeological, the first dome in Islamic architecture found in the Dome of the Rock (Dome of Rock) or commonly known as the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem. Dome of the Rock was built around 685 AD to 691 AD

Interior Dome of the Rock is decorated with arabesk - geometric-shaped ornaments, ornamental plants propagation and calligraphy. Decorative element could be a characteristic of Islamic architecture since the 7th century AD Until now, calligraphy is still the ornaments that decorate the interior of the building of a mosque.

Since then, the Islamic architects continue to develop diverse style dome on the mosque he had built. In the 12th century AD, in Cairo, the dome became a symbol of national architecture of Egypt in the structure of Islamic societies. From time to time at the mosque dome shape also continue to change following the technological developments.

When Islam spread out and interact with other cultures and civilizations, the Islamic architects apparently did not hesitate to take the form of options that already exist, including techniques and how to build an already owned by the local community.
No wonder, if the dome shape was somewhat different mosques, according to the culture and the Muslim community living. Almost in every Muslim country has a domed mosque. Among the famous domed mosque, among others; Blue Mosque in Istanbul Turkey, the Taj Mahal in Agra, India, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, and other

Moalla calligraphy style

Moalla calligraphy style
Although not well known, Moalla calligraphy style is the style that is not standard, and are not included in the guide books calligraphy general circulation. Although not so well known, calligraphy is still included in the list of the types of calligraphy in the Arabic wikipedia, classified as part of a growing type of calligraphy in Iran. Calligraphy was introduced by Hamid Ajami, a Tehran-born calligrapher.

Naskhi Calligraphic

Naskhi Calligraphic

Calligraphic style most often used Naskhi Muslims, both for religious writing and writing everyday. Style Naskhi including the oldest calligraphic style. Since the rules of writing are systematically formulated by Ibn Muqlah in the 10th century, the style is very popular calligraphy used to write the Qur'an Mushaf until now. Character simple letters, with hardly any frills, so easily written and read.

Tsuluts Calligraphy

Tsuluts CalligraphyLike Kufi style, calligraphy style Tsuluts introduced by Ibn Muqlah who is a minister (wazii) at the time of the Abbasid Caliphate. Tsuluts style calligraphy is very ornamental, with lots of frills and easy to shape in a particular composition to meet the writing space is available. The work style of calligraphy using Tsuluts can be written in the form of the curve, with tapered head and sometimes written in a style that continues strong and the intersection. Because of the beauty and flexibility of this, many Tsuluts style ornaments used as mosque architecture, book covers, and interior decoration.

Kufi Calligraphy

Kufi Calligraphy

Calligraphy writing style is widely used for the initial period of copying the Qur'an. Therefore, this Kufi style of writing is the oldest model among all styles of calligraphy. This style was first developed in the city of Kufa, Iraq, which is one of the most important city in the history of Islamic civilization from the 7th century AD Calligraphy writing style introduced by Mr. Calligraphy Arabic, Ibn Muqlah, has a character who is very stiff, broken, and very formal. This style evolved into a more ornamental and is often combined with floral ornaments.

rules and techniques on calligraphy

calligraphyCalligraphy has special rules and techniques in the process. Not only the techniques of writing, but also on color selection, material, medium, until the pen.

Technically, calligraphy is also very dependent on the geometry principles and rules of balance. Rules of this balance is fundamentally supported by the letter alif and a marker point and differentiator for some Arabic letters.

Although the development appears hundreds of calligraphic writing styles, not all of these styles survive until today. There are nine styles of calligraphy are popular writing known to the art lovers of calligraphy;

1. Kufi
2. Tsuluts
3. Naskhi
4. Riq'ah

5. Ijazah (Raihani)
6. Diwani7. Diwani Jali
8. Farisi
9. Moalla

Devine of Calligraphy

Devine of CalligraphyCalligraphy

One form of the beauty of the Qur'an is the art of writing beautiful or often called Calligraphy. Calligraphy created and developed by the Muslims since the arrival of Islam. Compared to other Islamic art, calligraphy obtain the highest position and is an expression of Islamic spirit that is very typical. Therefore, calligraphy is often referred to as the 'art Islamic art' (the art of Islamic).

Although calligraphy works identical to the Arabic script, calligraphy word itself comes from the Greek (kalios: beautiful and Graphia: writing). Meanwhile, the Arabic mengistilahkannya with khatt (text or line) is aimed at the beautiful writing (al-al-jamilah kitabah or al-khatt al-jamil).

Arabic calligraphy roots are actually Egyptian hieroglyphic writings which later split into khatt Feniqi (Phoenician), Aramaic (Aramaic), and Musnad (a book that includes all kinds of hadith). According to al-Maqrizi, an expert on the history of the 4th century, Arabic calligraphy was first developed by the community Himyar (tribes who inhabited the Arabian Peninsula southwestward around 115-525 BC). Musnad an ancient Arabic calligraphy that developed first of the many types khatt used by the community Himyar. Musnad of the old writings that developed in Yemen, was born khatt Kufi.

Calligraphy Basmallah

Calligraphy Basmallah
Calligraphy Basmallah

Calligraphy BasmallahCalligraphy Basmallah

Islamic Calligraphy

eagle-shaped calligraphyy

Eagle Islamic Calligraphy

Islamic Calligraphy

eagle-shaped calligraphyBird-Islamic Calligraphy

Islamic calligraphy hawk-shaped, smoke and birds. Islamic calligraphy is generated Indonesian people.

Legacy of the Prophet Muhammad

This is a relic of the glory of Islam Muhammad's leadership

 Prophet Muhammad
Footprints Prophet

 Prophet MuhammadSeveral strands of the Prophet Muhammad's beard

Arc Prophet MuhammadArc Prophet Muhammad

Flag of the Prophet MuhammadFlag of the Prophet Muhammad

the clothers staf of prophet muhammadthe clothers staf of prophet muhammad

Serves On Husband

Home from work, should the time to beristrirahat for husband as head of household. Yet many of us have encountered the phenomenon in which they actually are still preoccupied with all sorts of household chores while his wife instead of the neighbor girl talk. How wife shalihah this address?

Wife of one of the characteristics that indicate shalihah good interaction with her husband is submissive to her husband and help her work to the extent he could. He will not let her husband serve himself while he sat passively watching what he did. He was reluctant when her husband until tersibukkan with housework, cooking, washing, making beds, and similar, while he was still able to handle it. So it is not surprising that we find a wife shalihah busy day by providing service to her husband, starting from preparing the bed, eat and drink, clothing and other needs of the husband. All done with full compliance and broad-mindedness with the intention of worship to Allaah. And this really is a form of action to ihsannya husband, who was expected of him he'll enjoy the goodness.

Submissive to their husbands has been performed by major women more noble than the shahabiyyah, as Asma 'bintu Ash-Abi Bakr Siddiq may Allaah be pleased' anhuma the submissive to Az-Zubair Ibn al-Awwam may Allaah be pleased 'anhu, her husband. He was riding her husband's animal care, feeding and drinking horse, sewing and mending his bucket, and knead the flour to make cakes. He who carry the seeds of her husband's estate while the distance where he lived with the land about 2 / 3 farsakh1. "(Narrated by Bukhari no. 5224 and Muslim no. 2182)

Similarly bintu Rasulillah Fatima khidmatnya peace 'alaihi wa sallam in the house of her husband, Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allaah be pleased' anhu, until his hands blister for grinding grain. When Fatima came to the place of his father to ask for a maid, his father's noble to give guidance to a better:

ألا أدلكما على ما هو خير لكما من خادم? إذا أويتما إلى فراشكما أو أخذتما مضاجعكما فكبرا أربعا وثلاثين وسبحا ثلاثا وثلاثين وحمدا ثلاثا وثلاثين, فهذا خير لكما من خادم

"Shall I show you both what is better for you than a servant? When you come to your bed or to lie down, read Allahu Akbar 34 times, 33 times Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah and 33 times. This is better for you than a servant. "(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 6318 and Muslim no. 2727)

Companions of the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam, may Allaah be pleased Abdillah Jabir bin' anhu, marrying a widow to humble him by taking care of his sisters are still small. Jabir story: "My father died and he left the 7 or 9 girls. So I married a widow. The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam asked me:

تزوجت يا جابر? فقلت: نعم. فقال: بكرا أم ثيبا? قلت: بل ثيبا. قال: فهلا جارية تلاعبها وتلاعبك, وتضاحكها وتضاحكك? قال فقلت له: إن عبد الله هلك و ترك بنات, وإني كرهت أن أجيئهن بمثلهن, فتزوجت امرأة تقوم عليهن وتصلحهن. فقال: بارك الله لك, أو قال: خيرا

"Are you married, O Jabir?"

"Yes," I replied.

"With a girl or a widow?" He said.

"With the widow," I replied.

"Why are you not married to the girl, so you can play with it and he played with. And you can laugh with him and he could laugh with you? "He said.

"My father, Abdullah, died and she left the girls and I do not like to bring in their midst the same woman with them. So I married a woman who can look after and care for them, "I replied.

He said: "May God bless you", or he said: "May the good for you." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 5367 and Muslim no. 1466)

Mihshan ibn Husayn said: "My aunt tells me, he said:" I never went to the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam as a necessity, so he asked:

أي هذه! أذات بعل? قلت: نعم. قال: كيف أنت له? قلت: ما آلوه إلا ما عجزت عنه. قال: فانظري أين أنت منه, فإنما هو جنتك ونارك

"O woman, if you have a husband?"

"Yes," I replied.

"How are you against your husband?" He said.

"I do not reduce reduce the observance and submissive to her, except what I could not fulfilled," I replied.

"Look at where the whereabouts of your husband, because he is a heaven and hell," the word he. (Narrated by Ibn Abi Abi Shaybah and other than, dishahihkan sanadnya by Ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Adabuz Zifaf vol, pp. 179)

But on the other hand, a good husband would not burden his wife with a job who could not assuming. Indeed, he saw and noticed the presence of his wife if she needed any help.

Is the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam is the best picture of her husband. In the midst of busy taking care of the people and preaching in the street Allaah, he took time to help his family and doing what he could do for himself without charge to his wife, as reported wives, Aisha may Allaah be pleased 'anha when al-Aswad ibn Yazid asked him:

ما كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يصنع في البيت? قالت: كان يكون في مهنة أهله - تعني خدمة أهله - فإذا حضرت الصلاة خرج إلى الصلاة

"What the Prophet used to do 'alaihi wa sallam in the house?"

Ayesha may Allaah be pleased 'anha said: "He used to help the working wife. When it was time for prayers, he went out to do the prayer. "(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 676, 5363)

In another narration, Aisha may Allaah be pleased 'anha said that the Messenger of Allaah job' alaihi wa sallam to do at home:

ما يصنع أحدكم في بيته, يخصف النعل ويرقع الثوب ويخيط

"He used to do what you do one at home. He patched sandals, mending clothes, and sew. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari in Al-Adabul simplex no. 540, dishahihkan ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh al vol-Adabil simplex no. 419 and Al-Mishkat no. 5822 )

كان بشرا من البشر, يفلي ثوبه ويحلب شاته

"He's human. He mended his clothes and squeezing the goat's milk ". (Narrated by al-Bukhari in Al-Adabul simplex no. 541, dishahihkan ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh al vol-Adabil simplex no. 420 and Ash-Saheehah 671)

Allaah ta'ala knows best-bish shawab.

Muslimah and Da'wah

Women just like men to perform religious obligations to God and beramar ma `ruf nahi unjust.

The arguments of Al-Qur `an and Sunnah include everything, except those excluded by the theorem. Sayings of the scholars is also clear in that regard. Among the propositions of the Al-Qur `an about it:

والمؤمنون والمؤمنات بعضهم أولياء بعض يأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر

"The believers, and believing, some of them are helpful for others. They were sent to the ma `ruf and prevent the unjust." (At-Tauba: 71)

كنتم خير أمة أخرجت للناس تأمرون بالمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر وتؤمنون بالله

"You are the best Ummah who are born to humans. You get to the ma `ruf and prevent the unjust and you believe in God." (Ali Imron: 110)

Should she call people to God with adab-adab in accordance with the shari'ah `at what is demanded of the men. She was also to be patient and reward from God:

واصبروا إن الله مع الصابرين

"Be patient you, for Allah with those who patiently persevere." (Al-Anfal: 46)

And also the word of Allah azza telling wajalla Luqman to his son saying:

"O my son, be steadfast in prayer, send to the ma` ruf, forbid from the unjust and be patient you deal with what happen, because it is a matter which is required of God. "(Luqman: 17)

Then he also should consider a few cases, such as: he must be a model in maintaining iffah (honorary), veil, and Salih charity. Let him menjahui tabarruj and ikhtilath (mix-ups between men and women who are not mukhrim) that it is forbidden to him preach with words and actions in leaving what is forbidden by God above. (This is the answer to question: What is your opinion between women and propaganda?)

Next Question: Do we need to make time for a woman that he preach to God?

Answer: I do not find that there are restrictions in that regard. If you find a woman who could preach Sholihah, then he should be helped, set the time, asked him to coach the women like, because it is the women need to mentor women. The existence of such women among other women sometimes more useful in conveying the mission to take him to the right than men. Sometimes the women were ashamed to ask the da `i the man, so he hid what he should ask. Sometimes he is also forbidden to listen to the preaching of men. But if you `inya woman, she is not. Because he can close with him and tell him what he needs and it's bigger influence.

So women who have science or da'wah should carry out this duty and lead to good word of God as best he could based on:

ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة وجادلهم بالتي هي أحسن

"Take them to the Lord your path with wisdom and good advice as well as those with debatlah best way." (An-Nahl: 125)

قل هذه سبيلي أدعو إلى الله على بصيرة أنا ومن اتبعني

"Say: This is my path, I call people to God based on bashiroh (science), I and those who follow me." (Yusuf: 108)

"And who better words than those who call people to Allah and do good Salih and he said: Surely I am of those who have surrendered (Muslims)." (At-Taghabun: 16)

And also the word of God Subhanahuwata `ala:

"So bertaqwalah you could." (Fushilat: 33)

The verses which convey the same is quite a lot. Include men and women, and only God who gives taufiq.


Quoted from Bulletin Islamiy "Al-Minhaj", second edition Year I, pp. 16

Arrogance spread disdain Reaping

Still prism of a string of advice Luqman Al-Hakim to his son. Toward the end of his advice, Luqman forbids his son from being arrogant and ordered him to humble himself (tawadhu '). Luqman said to his son:

ولا تصعر خدك للناس ولا تمش في الأرض مرحا إن الله لا يحب كل مختال فخور

"And do not you turn your face from humans (for pride), and do not walk with dignity. Truly Allah loveth not the proud and arrogant. "(Luqman: 18)

Luqman forbids such turning surly face and to others as arrogant and felt great, banned from walking with a proud, proud of the good that is in him and forget the Essence that gives pleasure, and admiration for myself. Because God does not like any of the proud with the situation and being arrogant with his words. (Karimir Rahman Taisirul things. 649)

In another verse Allah forbids k also:

ولا تمش في الأرض مرحا إنك لن تخرق الأرض ولن تبلغ الجبال طولا

"And do not walk the earth with pride, because you really will not be able to penetrate the earth and will not reach as high as mountains." (Al-Israa `: 37)

Thus, someone with ketakaburannya not be able to achieve all that. Even he would be a humiliation before God k and degraded in the presence of men, despised, and wrath. He had undergone the worst character and lowest without reaching what he wants. (Taisirul Karimir Rahman, pp. 458)

Humiliation. This was harvested by the proud. He's not going to get what he expected in the world and the Hereafter.

'Amr ibn Shu'ayb narrated from his father from his grandfather of the Prophet n:

يحشر المتكبرون يوم القيامة أمثال الذر في صورة الرجال, يغشاهم الذل من كل مكان, يساقون إلى سجن من جهنم يسمى بولس, تغلوهم نار من الأنيار, ويسقون من عصارة أهل النار طينة الخبال

"People are proud collected on the Day of Resurrection like little ants in human form, overwhelmed by shame from every direction, led to a prison in Hell called Bulas, engulfed by the fire and given a drink of lemon inhabitants of hell, thinatul khabal.1 "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, dihasankan by Ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh al t-Adabul simplex no. 434)

Even an arrogant threatened with the wrath of God k. Thus we find that the Messenger of n, as presented by a noble Companions, 'Abdullah bin' Umar c:

من تعظم في نفسه أو اختال في مشيته لقي الله عز وجل وهو عليه غضبان

"Anyone who feels proud of himself or arrogant in the way, he will meet God in a state k of God's wrath against him." (Narrated by Ahmad, dishahihkan by ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh al t-Adabul simplex no. 427)

Arrogance (kibr) in people who are not happy with the beauty. However, arrogance is against the religion of Allah and lowered k servants of God k. Thus described by the Messenger of n when he was asked by 'Abdullah bin' Umar c, "Is it arrogant if someone has hullah2 wearing?" N He replied, "Not." "Is if someone has a good two-shoes with a strap sandals good? "" Not. "" Is when someone has driven the animals ride? "" Not. "" Is when a person has friends who used to sit with him? "" Not. "" O Messenger of Allah, then what is the arrogance that? " n then he said:

سفه الحق وغمط الناس

"Underestimating the truth and humble man." (Narrated by Ahmad, dishahihkan by Ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh al t-Adabul simplex no. 426)

Not the least of Allah n opportunity for someone to be arrogant. In fact, he always ordered n tawadhu '. 'Iyadh bin Himar z n said that the Messenger of Allah said:

إن الله أوحى إلي أن تواضعوا حتى لا يفخر أحد على أحد ولا يبغي أحد على أحد

"Surely God revealed to me that you should be tawadhu 'till no one boast over the other and no one did exceed the limits of others." (Narrated by Muslim, no. 2865)

In contrast to the arrogant, those who decorated with tawadhu 'will reach the glory of Allah k, as presented by the noble Companions, Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of n z said:

وما تواضع أحد لله إلا رفعه الله

"And it is not someone being tawadhu 'for God, but God will lift." (Narrated by Muslim, no. 2588)

Tawadhu 'because God k there are two meanings. First, humbled himself to the religion of Allah, so do not haughty and arrogant against this religion and to perform its laws. Second, lowered himself to the servants of God because God k k, not because of fear of them, or expecting something in them, but simply because God k. Both meanings are true.

When one humbles himself for Allah k, then Allah will lift k in the world and the Hereafter. This is something that can be witnessed in this life. Someone who humbles himself will occupy a high position in the sight of men, would mention his kindness, and will be loved by humans. (Sharh Riyadhish Righteous, 1 / 365)

Not only limited to mere order, the stories in the Prophet's life n many ketawadhu'an he describes. N He is a most noble man in the face of God k. However, he rejected calls for his excessive. That is narrated by Anas Ibn Malik z when people said to the Prophet n, "O best among us, children of the best of us! O our lord, our lord son! "N He said:

يا أيها الناس عليكم بقولكم ولا يستهوينكم الشيطان, إني لا أريد أن ترفعوني فوق منزلتي التي أنزلنيه الله تعالى, أنا محمد بن عبد الله عبده ورسوله

"O people, be careful with your words, not until you dijerumuskan by the devil. Actually I do not want you to take me on the position given by the Almighty for me. I was Muhammad ibn 'Abdillah, His servant and His messenger. "(Narrated by An-Nasa` i in the' Yaum wal Amalul Lailah, said in Saheeh al-Musnad Ash-Ash-fi Syamail Muhammadiyah no. 786: hadeeth according to the requirements Muslim)

Z Anas bin Malik relates:

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يزور الأنصار فيسلم على صبيانهم ويمسح برؤوسهم ويدعو لهم

"The Messenger of n ordinary people visited Ansar, then say hello to their children, rubbing their heads and pray." (Reported by An. Nasa `i, said in Saheeh al-Musnad Ash-Ash-fi Syamail Muhammadiyah no. 796: hadith hasan)

N Ketawadhu'an Messenger has become a real picture of the model by the Companions. Anas bin Malik z never passed the kids, then he said good-bye to them. N He said:

كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يفعله

"The Prophet used to do this n that." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 6247 and Muslim no. 2168)

Greetings to the children was done by the Prophet n and followed by his Companions g. This is the attitude tawadhu 'and good morals, and including education and good teaching, and counseling and guidance to children, because children are being greeted when they will get used to it and become something that is embedded in their soul . (Sharh Riyadhish Righteous, 1/366-367)

've Also Rifa'ah Tamim ibn Abu Usaid zmenuturkan an event which provides an n ketawadhu'an Prophet and affection and love for him against the Muslims:

انتهيت إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو يخطب, فقلت: يا رسول الله, رجل غريب جاء يسأل عن دينه لا يدري ما دينه? فأقبل علي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وترك خطبته حتى انتهى إلي فأتي بكرسي, فقعد عليه, وجعل يعلمني مما علمه الله, ثم أتى خطبته فأتم آخرها

"I've come to the Messenger of n when he was delivering the sermon. Then I said, 'O Messenger of Allah, a stranger came to you to ask about his religion, he did not know about his religion.' The Messenger had come to n, then taken to a chair and he sat on it. Begin to teach me what he was taught by God. Then he returned to continue his sermon until the end. "(Narrated by Muslim, no. 876)

So many suggestions and life stories depicting the Prophet n ketawadhu'an him. Likewise, the Companions of g. Stay back at the father and mother herself. Which roads would they want to chose for her baby? Teaches humility to find happiness in the two countries, or planting seeds to reap humiliation of pride in the world and the hereafter?

Allaah ta'ala a'lamu bish-shawab.

1 Thinatul khabal is sweating or feelings of the inhabitants of hell.

2 Hullah is clothing that consists of two pieces of clothes.

When Hand Written Calligraphy No More

Maybe you're curious after reading the title above. As we know, calligraphy is identical with beautiful handwriting. In fact, by definition, is called calligraphy works presented written form through the flexibility of the hand. "Calligraphy is not handwritten kok?" You may ask. "Then write to wear?"

The answer is the computer.

You've never known kelk 2007 program? With this program, calligraphy can be made very well. Although not selentur hand calligraphy works, kelk program has the ability to create beautiful letters. Unlike written arabic fonts through the Arab-based computers that are still stiff, Kelk programs have flexibility in preparing the letter.

Take a look at the writings of Al-Fatihah letter below. Beautiful is not it?

Kelk program is designed to write calligraphy. Though less so perfect in the writing of calligraphy overlapping types tsuluts, Kelk has the advantage in writing or hot type ta'liq typical ta'liq Iran.

See also the example below:

Islamic calligraphy painting
Islamic calligraphy painting
Islamic calligraphy painting
Islamic calligraphy painting
On the Internet, a lot of illegal software in circulation is the previous version, namely Kelk 2000. Unfortunately this program can only be installed on Windows XP-based Arabic. I've installed on Windows XP, can not write letters for the English-based keyboard. May need to install the Arabic language?

You never used this program?

Japanese artists with Arabic Calligraphy Specialties

Arabic Calligraphy Specialties-Kouichi Honda
Interest to Kouichi Honda arabic calligraphy began about 30 years ago when he worked in Saudi Arabia as a translator. Now, in addition to its popularity in Japan is increasing, Honda is also known as a calligrapher international arab. Calligraphy works exhibited regularly in Japan and has a rapidly growing student.

Honda's work is often applied in a bright background is not like the classic Japanese calligraphy written on a plain background or a pastel.

Honda studied Arabic in college, until the late 1960s when he took a job in Saudi Arabia as a translator for a Japanese company that makes a map for the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Kingdom of Japan. When he returned to Japan, he continued to practice what he had learned from the calligrapher who accompany the map-making expedition, in charge of writing the names of the sand hills and dry rivers in the map.

Asmaul Husna on Iran Designers Hand

Islamic calligraphy painting
Islamic calligraphy painting

Islamic Calligraphy Moalla

Islamic calligraphy painting
Islamic calligraphy painting

This is the Islamic Calligraphy Moalla "outside public" I've learned: naski, riqah, tsuluts, Diwani, Diwani jali, diplomas, or the famous Kufi have it. His name moalla. Although his style is not so beautiful, in my opinion, this calligraphy had made me curious because his style is "bold", once hit a letter to each other without regard to space.

See examples below. He is as if the branches of bamboo trees jostling among each other. The color is muted as if only a shadow of a textured background.

Moalla style is a style that "no standard" because it was not included in the guide books calligraphy general circulation, such as the book's most monumental calligraphy Qawaidul Khat al-Arabi, Mohammad Hashim's Al-Baghdadi. Although not so well known, calligraphy is still included in the list of the types of calligraphy in the Arabic wikipedia, classified as part of a growing type of calligraphy in Iran.

From the literature on the internet, this style was introduced by Hamid Ajami, a Tehran-born calligrapher. Through its website, Hamid Ajami includes samples of this type of calligraphy. And apparently, he is the only one who preserve this type.

Realist Abstract Calligraphy

Realist Abstract Calligraphy
Realist Abstract Calligraphy

In the beginning is Realist Abstract Calligraphy. Prepositions are clones and not the surrounding objects. Because the human mind, but always a degree to form perhaps the last letter, such as electrode slightly skewed to the left (for power naskhi). Masters a call letter I made a boat that is sailing.

finjani ain never have heard 'or' gorg ain? Line learning are: some terms to describe the letters there. finjani Ain ain initial letter referred to in the light tsuluts letter or letters A to Z has continued. Which means cup Finjani (Yes, or not?) You form with convex cup (ndemblek in Javanese). While gorg ain 'is' ain beginning with the letter continued normal letter flat or decrease.

And, Realist Abstract Calligraphy as an article and then find the form to break the "alone". This forms meruang, beraduk, candle, so as to appear behind the clouds months consecutive to care. Or, three wild horses that seemed to find freedom is.

VaLenTiNe Day and IsLaM

Rata Penuh
"Jews and Christians would not like to you until you follow their religion. Say: 'The guidance of Allah That guidance (right) ". and indeed if thou follow their desires after the knowledge came to you, then God is no longer the protector and helper for you ". (Surat al-Baqarah [2]: 120)".

Islam is a complete religion, which is not merely a religion. More than that, Islam is a value system and life systems. For some people, Islam is a liberator, Islam is the savior. However, for most people who have secure and established a system that has dianutnya, Islam is a threat. It's not unusual when so much antipathy toward Islam. Since Islam was born was already so. Various methods are used to devastated. Through openly or secretly.
The most effective efforts and do not need to spend a lot of energy to destroy one of Islam is to obscure the teachings of Islam. Samuel Zwemer in al Quds conference for priests in 1935 saying: "Actually, your task is not out Muslims from their religion to your religion. However, keep them away from his religion (the Qur'an and Sunnah) ". One of those moments that are often used to distance Muslims from their religion is a valentine's day.

One morning Desy surprising his friends with a red flower that he put on his chest, they were immediately greeted with a smile and asked, "In the context of what this is?" Desy said, "Do not you know that this is a day of love in which people were celebrating and congratulating each other. This is a celebration to express my love, romance and all sincerity, this is Valentine's Day ...". But Sari, one of his friends asked Desy in amazement, "What is the meaning of Valentine's Day?" Desy said, "It means love in Latin ..!" Sari laughed at the answer, "Are you celebrating something you do not understand its meaning? Did you know that Valentine was a priest who lived in Christianity to 3rd century AD?" Sari said pitched concerned about the state of some Muslim women are easy to follow what comes to them without thinking.


Sari went on: "The Catholic Encyclopedia mentions three versions of the Valentine, but the popular version is the story of Reverend St.Valentine who lived in the late 3rd century AD at the time of the Roman King Claudius II. On February 14, 270 AD Claudius II St.Valentine execute the have opposed some of his orders. " "Claudius II saw St.Valentine religion invites man to Christianity and he was ordered to arrest him. In the second version, Claudius II, the boys looked more resilient in the war than those who have been married since the beginning refused to go to war. So he issued an order prohibiting the marriage. But this command St.Valentine opposed and continue to hold church wedding in secret until the last note was imprisoned. In prison he became acquainted with the daughter of a prison guard who became ill. She treated him so well and fell in love with him. Before sentenced to death , he sent a card that read "From a sincere love, Valentine's Day." This happened after the child is converted to Christianity along with 46 relatives. "

Continue Sari: "A third version mentions the religion Christianity spread in Europe, in one village there is a Roman tradition that attracted the attention of pastors. In the tradition of the village youth were always together every mid-February. They write the names of villages and laid her in a box, and every young man take one name from the box, and the girl whose name would become his lover out of the year. He also sent a card saying "the name of god mother, I am sending you this card."

Sari continued: "Due to the difficulty of eliminating this Roman tradition, the priests decided to replace the phrase" with the name of god mother "with the phrase" with the name of Reverend Valentine "that can bind to these young men with religious Christians."

"Another version says St.Valentine asked about Atharid, god of trade, fluency, treason and theft, and Jupiter, the Roman god of the greatest people. So he answered the gods are man-made and that the real god is Isa Al Masih," explained Sari, "the Most High God of what is said by people who are dzalim."

"Even now circulating the cards this religious festival with a child drawing with two wings to fly around a heart with arrows directed towards actual heart is a symbol of the god of love for the Romans!" So Sari end advice.


ABG currently most affected by the disease Muslim bandwagon and follow suit in the Western or Christian culture under the influence of television and other mass media. Included also in this celebration of Valentine's Day, which is basically relived St.Valentine pastor. The desire to join in. There is within man, but it would be reprehensible in Islam when those who followed us different from the beliefs and thoughts.

Especially if followed in the case of creed, worship, syi'ar and habits. And the Apostle has forbidden to follow the procedures of worship other than Islam: "He who imitate a nation, so he included from the them." (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi). If the intention to celebrate Valentine's think back then no doubt that he was an infidel, as for if he did not mean that he has done a great kemungkaran. Ibn al-Qayyim said, "Giving congratulations on pagan rituals that special person for them, it was agreed that such unlawful acts. For instance congratulated on holidays and their fasting, by saying," Happy holidays! "And similar. For those who say, if they do not come to infidelity, at least it is an unlawful act. That he has been congratulated for their actions who worship the cross. Even the act is greater sin in Allah's wrath and more than congratulated for what to drink alcohol or killed. Many people who do not understand the religion got into the act without being aware of the bad deeds.

Like people who congratulate others for their immoral actions, heresy or infidelity he had prepared himself to get the anger and wrath of God. "Waqid Abu radhiyallah 'anhu narrated: The Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wa sallam when out to the war of Khaibar, he through a tree of idolaters, who called Dzaatu Anwaath, usually they hung their weapons on the tree. The Messenger of Allaah friends' alaihi wa sallam said, "O Allah, make us Dzaatu Anwaath, as they have Dzaatu Anwaath. "So the Messenger of Allah n says," Glory to God, this is pronounced like the Prophet Moses, 'Make us a god as they have gods. " By the Essence of my soul in His hands, so you will follow those customs that existed before you. "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, he says, hasan saheeh).

Is mandatory for every person who uttered two sentences the testament to implement wala 'and bara' (loyalty to Muslims and innocent of pagan groups) which is a basic belief held by the righteous salaf. Namely loving believers and hated infidels, enemies and their menyelisihi. And know that this attitude where there is an infinite benefit, otherwise resembling the lifestyle of people disbelieve it contains more damage.

Other than that, mengekornya Muslims to their lifestyle will make them happy, after all, resemble the infidels can generate love and heart attachment. Allaah has said, which means: "O ye who believe, do not you take the Jewish people and Christians become the leaders (of all); some of them are leaders to each other. Whoever among you take them into leaders, the real person they belonged to. Verily Allah does not guide the people who do wrong. " (Al-Maidah: 51)

"You will not find a nation who believe in Allah and the Last Day, berkasih mutual affection with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger." (Al-Mujadilah: 22)

"And let not pity for the adulterer is preventing you to (run) the religion of Allah, if ye believe in Allah, and the day akherat." (An-Nur: 2)

Among the adverse effects like they are; participate popularize their rituals so terhapuslah Sunnah. There is no innovation, no matter when it is turned on unless there is a Sunnah of the deceased. Other adverse events, that by following them means extending the number of them, support and follow their religion, but a Muslim prayer in every raka'at read, "Show us the straight path, (ie) the way of the people whom thou hast bestowed favors to them ; not the (path) of their wrath and not (all the way) they are astray. " (Al-Fatiha :6-7)

How could he begged God to show him the way the people in faith and kept away from their class path error and wrath, but instead he wandered off the path voluntarily.

There was a girl says, that he did not follow their beliefs, it's just Valentine's Day is specifically gives the meaning of love and love citanya to people who commemorate. This is an omission, but once again this is a celebration of other religious rituals! Prizes are awarded as an expression of love is a good thing, but when linked with the Christian parties and the Western traditions, will result obsessed by culture and their lifestyle. Party on that day is not something trivial, but rather reflect the adoption of Western values are not normative view of social boundaries between men and women that we see their social structure in ruins.

Alhamdulillah, we have the replacement is much better than it all, so we do not need to imitate and resemble them. Among other things, that in our view, a mother has a great position, we can offer it to him from time to time, as well as for father, brother, husband. Etc., but that we do not specifically at the celebration by the people infidels.

May God always makes our lives filled with love and sincere affection, which became the bridge to enter the area hamparannya Heaven Heaven and earth are reserved for those who fear Allah. May Allah make us one of the classic that people mentioned: "My love is for those who love each other because I, who visited each other because I and a mutual sacrifice because I am." (Al-Hadith).


Question: In these days it has spread and entrenched celebration of Valentine's Day, especially among women students, and he is one of several kinds of Christians holidays. Usually the outfit complete with red shoes, and they exchange red roses. How law celebrate this Valentine's Day, and what are your suggestions and recommendations to the Muslims. May God always keep and protect you.

Answer: Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.Merayakan Valentine's Day should not be, because: First: it is an innovated holiday that no legal basis in Islamic law. Second: it can cause liver busy with petty things like this case is very contrary to the instructions of the salaf salih (our predecessor) - may Allah meridhai them. It is not lawful to do the ritual feast, either in the form of eating, drinking, clothing, gift or exchange of another. Every Muslim should feel proud of their religion, not a person who does not have a handle and part of it.

May Allah protect the Muslims from all fitnah (test of life), which was or is hidden and may include us all with the guidance of His

Who The Best calligrapher ?

Islamic calligraphy painting

Maybe you're like me, never ask this: Who is the best calligrapher in existence? Was Muhammad Hashim al-Baghdadi? Or Hamid al-Amidi? Or ...?

In the world of calligraphy, two names I mentioned above is a name that no doubt his genius in this art field.

Comparing the calligrapher, maybe not a fair one. But as a student of calligraphy that had just struggled in this field, we often can not wait to mengapai stages higher than we knew before. Sometimes in the studio or a place to learn calligraphy, we often compare what the best teachers in the calligraphy teachers.

I've had a few teachers of calligraphy. There Farhan Ustad, Ustad Hanafi, and Ustad Sunarto. Each other has a unique character. Ustad Farhan, although a bit "stiff" in writing, he is one of my best teachers. Ustad Hanafi which makes me in awe, to teach calligraphy only briefly. While the latter, though have never taught in the lesson kaligarfi, his writings when teaching dictation ', (dekte) is stunning.

"Learning from the best calligrapher, certainly a better result." I, frankly, including a notion like this. The impact, I am reluctant to learn on-calligrapher calligrapher who do not have a "reputation" is clear-that generally is from the country has published many books on calligraphy.

As the field of science that looks (scratch the letter and technical writing) of all calligrapher can we compare. Writing techniques from books, generally taught how to carve the letter. Starting from the letter simplex (an independent) to the letter, located in the middle and rear. [Generally calligraphy handbook adopted this way.]

Simplex in the letter alif naskhi example, although the science of calligraphy was measured by high five points, with a slope to the left as wide as half a point, in fact in practice, the calligrapher is not the same one to another. Proportions generally too large to be the dominating nature of domestic calligrapher. [Or maybe an example that we learned from the book is always a small letter?]

As an art, certainly the quality of one another can be different. Scratch each other "not perfect". In fact, from our own hands have learned mengores dozens of times, out of different strokes. [Of course understood, we are not a calligrapher?]

Back to the title above: Who is the best calligrapher?

I have trouble answering.

But I have experience: the best is kaligarfer calligrapher who makes you wonder, no matter whether his work is really the number one in the world.

From the awe that comes a sense of want to learn more. That's where the future of teacher you admire it sajajar with you. Continue to learn and practice regularly. That way your hands will find their own way ...

How do you think?

Calligraphy Islamic art with design of animals

Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals

Although in my opinion (the author) animal-shaped Islamic calligraphy is a classic design calligraphy, calligraphy art form but was still interested in animals. Among them there are in the form of tigers, birds, elephants, horses, and fish. Here are examples of calligraphy animals ever published on the internet: