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Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Changing hair colour and “relaxing” the hair

Praise be to Allaah.

There is nothing wrong with changing the hair colour and dyeing it any colour, except black. There is also nothing wrong with using something to make curly hair straight. This ruling applies to young and old alike, so long as no damage results from doing this and the material used is pure (taahir) and something that is allowed in Islam. However, dyeing the hair pure black is not allowed for men or women, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Change this grey hair, but avoid black.” (Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 5/168).
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 5/168

Ruling on shaving the beard

Ruling on shaving the beard
Shaving the beard is haraam because of the saheeh ahaadeeth that clearly state this, and because of the general application of texts that forbid resembling the kuffaar. One of these reports is the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar who said that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Be different from the mushrikeen: let your beards grow and trim your moustaches.” According to another report: “Trim your moustaches and let your beards grow.” 

Ruling on horoscopes

Ruling on horoscopes
Astrology, horoscopes, superstition and fortune-telling are all actions of jaahiliyyah (ignorance) which Islam came to show as false and to explain that they are shirk, because they involve depending on something other than Allaah and believing that benefit and harm come from something other than Him, and believing the words of fortune-tellers and soothsayers who falsely claim to have knowledge of the unseen in order to cheat people of their money and change their beliefs.
The evidence (daleel) for that is the hadeeth narrated by Abu Dawood in his Sunan with a saheeh isnaad from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever learns anything of astrology has learned a branch of witchcraft (al-sihr)…” And al-Bazzaar narrated with a jayyid isnaad from ‘Imraan ibn Husayn that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “He is not one of us who practises augury or has it done for him, who tells fortunes or has his fortune told, or who practises witchcraft or has that done for him.” Whoever claims to know some matter of the unseen either is a fortune-teller or is acting like a fortune-teller in some sense, because Allaah is the only One Who has knowledge of the unseen. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning);

About Circumcision

About CircumcisionCircumcision is not only done on men, but also performed on women. Circumcision for men is to cut all qulfah (skin) that covers the ends of dzakar, while for women is to cut the skin of the prominent (and above) farjinya only.

Circumcision is a Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim. The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa Salam said, which means: "Khalilur Rahman Ibrahim berkhitan after the age of 80 years and he berkhitan with an ax." (HR: Al-Bukhari)

Berkhitan allowed after baligh. Ibn Abbas was asked, which means: "Who are you when Rasululloh age sallallaahu alaihi wa Salam died?" Ibnu Abas said: "I was at that time was already circumcised, and the people (those days) did not circumcise male until he baligh." (HR: Al-Bukhari)

Among the functions for male circumcision is to remove the dirt and unclean nest. Whereas for women are (among others) to stabilize syahwatnya stimulation. If circumcised too deep could make him have no desire at all, on the contrary, if the skin is a prominent upward vaginannya (clitoris) is cut can be dangerous, because if rubbed or touched something he quickly aroused. So Rasululloh sallallaahu alaihi wa Salam said to the carpenters circumcision woman (Umm A'Thiyyah), which means: "Do you cut out, because (do not cut out) was more beneficial for women and more unpopular husband." (Reported by: Abu Dawud)

Regarding circumcision for women is indeed not known by most of our society, but hopefully through this information, we begin to practice it and for the Muslim with the medical profession began to study or learn it so help Muslims in performing female circumcision, so do not let Muslim women who circumcise a baligh are the men.

A concern when not in circumcision for women is going to be one of the driving causes him to become a lesbian. Thus Islam ordered that stabilize syahwatnya by circumcision.

(Source Reference: Shohih Al-Bukhari, Sunan Abu Dawud; Ahkamun Nisa '),

Palestinian Refugees Submit four Thousand Dollars for Tsunami Victims and Merapi

Palestinian Refugees Submit four Thousand Dollars for Tsunami Victims and Merapi

Damascus (FM RDS) - As planned, despite living under Israeli occupation and terror, the Palestinian refugees in Syria and Gaza still managed to send aid to his brothers in the Mentawai Tsunami victims and victims of the eruption of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta.

"We know, this amount is nothing compared the pain being experienced by our brethren in the Mentawai and Merapi. But take this as a sign of our love. We are one body. You're sick, we take a pain, as you feel sick when I saw our pain and suffering due to Israeli occupation, "said Ziad Mahmud Said, the Palestinian coordinator of international humanitarian assistance to the Friends of Al-Aqsa by phone on Friday (30/10) night .

Ziad from Gaza who is also Director of Al-Sarraa Foundation added, the donation was a result of the deliberations between the clergy and the Palestinians, both in the Gaza Strip and in Syria.

Dezful Bridge | Iran

Dezful Bridge | Iran
Dezful Bridge | Iran

The old Dezful Bridge was constructed during the Sassanide era, and accounts for one of the ancient bridges in the world. At present this bridge connects Dezful and Andimeshk cities. It has been repaired several times during the reign of Azedodowleh Daylami, the Safavid, Qajar and early Pahlavi periods. The bridge currently has four large arches, and between every two of these is a smaller arch. Near the bridge, remnants of ancient mills can be observed.

However the river-bed has been displaced in the last 1700 years but this wonderful ancient bridge is still strong enough to carry several modern huge trucks, cars and buses.

The Benefits of the prayer movement

prayer movement-gerakan shalat
prayer movement-gerakan shalatprayer movement-gerakan shalat

1. Takbiratul ihram

Stood up, raised both hands parallel to the ear, then fold it in front of the abdomen or lower chest. This movement is beneficial to smooth the flow of blood, lymph nodes (lymph), and arm muscle strength. The position of the heart below the brain allows blood to flow smoothly throughout the body. We raised both hands, stretching the shoulder muscles so that the flow of oxygen-rich blood become fluent. Then second hand in front of the abdomen or lower chest. This attitude prevents interference from various joints, particularly in the upper body.

2. Ruku '

Ruku 'is marked perfectly straight spine so that when placed on the back of a glass of water is not going to spill. Head position with the spine straight. This movement is beneficial to maintain the perfection of the position and function of the spine (vertebrae corpus) as a support body and the central nervous system. Heart position parallel to the brain, the maximal blood flow in the central part of the body. Hands resting on knees serves to relax the muscles of the shoulder to bottom. In addition, the bow is a training tool for bladder thus preventing prostate disorders.

3. I'tidal

Wake up from bowing, the body back up after raising his hands as high as the ears. I'tidal is a variation of the posture after bowing and before prostration. This movement is useful as an exercise is good for the digestive organs. At I'tidal done, digestive organs in the abdominal massage and relaxation experience alternately. Sure to give effect digestion.

4. prostration

Menungging by putting both hands, knees, toes, and forehead on the floor. Prostration useful to pump lymph into the neck and armpits. Posis heart above the oxygen-rich regions of the brain can cause the maximum flow to the brain. This flow effect on a person thought power. Therefore, you should do prostrations with tuma'ninah, not in a hurry so the blood is adequate capacity in the brain. This position prevent someone from interference hemorrhoids. Especially for women, both bowing and prostration has tremendous benefits for health and fertility of female organs.

5. sitting between prostrations

Sitting after the prostrations consist of two types namely iftirosy (tahiyat initial) and tawarru '(tahiyat end). The difference lies in the position of the feet. when iftirosy, the body resting on his thighs that are connected with nerve nerve Ischiadius. This position is able to avoid the pain in the groin, which often causes the sufferer unable to walk. Sitting tawarru 'very good for men because the heel to curtail the bladder (urethra), male sex glands (prostate) and vas deferens tract. If done correctly, this position can prevent impotence. Variations in the position of your feet and tawarru iftirosy 'cause the whole leg muscle also re-stretch and then relax. Harmonic motion and pressure to maintain this flexibility and power organs of our movement.

6. Greeting

Head to the right turning movement and since e left the maximum. Salam useful to useful to relax the muscles around the neck and head, improving blood flow in the head so as to prevent headaches and keep the facial skin tone.

Prostration movement is unique. Has the philosophy that the human prostrate themselves meneundukkan as low, even lower than his own butt. From the viewpoint of science of psychoneuroimmunology (the study on immune from the psychological point of view) that Prof. understood better. Soleh, this movement of human deliver the highest degree. Why?

By making the movement routinely prostrate, the blood vessels in the brain is trained to accept a lot of oxygen supply. At the time of prostration, heart position is above the head which allows maximum blood flow to the brain. That is, the brain get oxygen-rich blood supply that spur cells work. In other words, prostration which could trigger tuma'ninah and continuous improvement of intelligence.

Every inch of the human brain needs enough blood to function normally. Tidk blood will enter the nerve in the brain, but when someone fell down in prayer. Fibril, they require a certain blood for a few moments alone. This means that blood will enter the vein the following prayer time, as is already required in Islam.

Research on top has got recognition from Harvard University, United States. Even an American doctor unfamiliar declare themselves converted to Islam after diamdiam conduct research specifically related to the development of prostrate movement. In addition, movements in a quick prayer or yoga-like stretching (stretching). In essence, allows you to flex the body and blood circulation. Advantages compared to other movements are prayers in our prayer more moving limbs, including toes and hands.

The Message (30th Anniversary Edition) (1976)

The Message (30th Anniversary Edition) (1976)Producer-director Moustapha Akkad made a true labor of love out of The Message, which seeks nothing less than to tell the story of the origins of Islam. Originally released in the U.S. as Mohammad, Messenger of God, the film has the appeal of most biblical epics: persecuted true believers, a revolutionary prophet scorned by the powers-that-be, and the miraculous triumph of faith. It also has the cheesiness of many biblical epics, with nose-flaring performances and awkward dialogue, but the whole mish-mash is generally entertaining (and informative for those unversed in the "origin stories" of Islam). Akkad had one major hurdle; he couldn't portray the person or voice of Mohammad himself, as such things are traditionally forbidden in Islam. To say the least, this presents an interesting narrative challenge. Akkad tackles it by having characters address the camera-as-Mohammad, or having disciples step out of Mohammad's tent to repeat what the prophet has just said. It's a weird device, but the surprising thing is how often you forget about it. Akkad is aided by some topnotch technicians, including cameraman Jack Hildyard (The Bridge on the River Kwai) and composer Maurice Jarre (whose score was Oscar-nominated); Anthony Quinn, Irene Papas, and Michael Ansara lead the cast.

Also included in the two-disc set is the Arabic-language version of the film, which was shot at the same time with different actors. (It comes without English subtitles.) It runs about 20 minutes longer than the English version; Akkad explains, in a helpful 44-minute making-of documentary, that Arab styles of storytelling (including pacing) and acting are quite different than in the West. Akkad would also make Lion of the Desert and executive-produce the Halloween pictures. He died in the November 2005 terrorist bombings in Jordan. --Robert Horton

To more detail, Please visit "The Message (30th Anniversary Edition)"

What the West Needs to Know?

Islamic and west life
An examination of Islam, violence, and the fate of the non-Muslim world.

Virtually every major Western leader has over the past several years expressed the view that Islam is a peaceful religion and that those who commit violence in its name are fanatics who misinterpret its tenets. This claim, while widely circulated, rarely attracts serious public examination. Now, the question is finally being asked, "Is Islam itself violent?"

Through an examination of the Koran, other Islamic texts, and the example of the prophet Muhammad, this documentary establishes, through a sober and methodical presentation, that violence against non-Muslims is and has always been an integral aspect of Islam. "Jihad," while best translated as "struggle," as represented in the Koran and the life of Muhammad, means nothing less than organized warfare against unbelievers. Relying primarily on Islam's own sources, this documentary demonstrates that Islam is a violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the destruction or subjugation of other faiths, cultures, and systems of government.

The documentary consists of original interviews, citations from Islamic texts, Islamic artwork, computer-animated maps, footage of Western leaders, and Islamic television broadcasts. Its tone is sober, methodical, and compelling.

Features interviews with noted experts on Islam including Robert Spencer, Serge Trifkovic, Bat Ye'or, Abdullah Al-Araby, and former terrorist Walid Shoebat.

To more detail Please Visit"Islam: What the West Needs to Know"

Holy War and Unholy Terror

Islamic-Holy War and Unholy Terror

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, many Americans yearned to understand why Muslim extremists felt such passionate animosity toward the Western world, particularly the United States. Since that historic attack there have been many books and discussions about this very question, but few of them offer such a readable and relevant response as this excellent offering by renowned historian Bernard Lewis (What Went Wrong?). For modern Westerners, Islam is an especially foreign religion and culture to understand. For instance, Westerners typically dismiss things as unimportant when using the expression "that’s history." But for those raised in Muslim households, history—even ancient history—is just as important (if not more important) as the present. And to better understand the hostilities rooted in this history—one could start with recognizing the long-standing resentment the Islamic community harbors from having its homelands torn apart and re-packaged into random political states by occupying Europeans (Westerners). Or stretch back in time to the brutality of the Crusades. Or go straight to the U.S. political meddling in the region throughout the latter 20th century.

This is not a pity fest for Muslims. Lewis even-handedly explores the sources of Islamic antagonism toward the West while also explaining how a supposedly peace-worshipping religion could be so distorted by violent extremism. He notes that the American way of life—especially that of fulfillment through material gain and sexual freedom—is a direct threat to Islamic values (which is why night clubs—places where men and women publicly touch one another—are targets of bombings). But it is basic Western democracy that especially threatens Islamic extremists, notes Lewis, because within its own community more and more Muslims are coming to value the freedom that political democracy allows. For anyone wanting an intelligent and accessible primer on the Islamic-Western conflict, this is an excellent place to begin. Gail Hudson --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
From Publishers Weekly
This lean, muscular volume, an expansion of Lewis's George Polk Award-winning New Yorker article, sheds much-needed light on the complicated and volatile Middle East. To locate the origins of anti-American sentiment, Islamic scholar Lewis maps the history of Muslim anxiety towards the West from the time of the Crusades through European imperialism, and explains how America's increased presence in the region since the Cold War has been construed as a renewed cry of imperialism. In Islam, politics and religion are inextricable, and followers possess an acute knowledge of their own history dating back to the Prophet Mohammed, a timeline Lewis revisits. By so doing, the bestselling author of What Went Wrong? is able to cogently investigate key issues, such as why the United States has been dubbed the "Great Satan" and Israel the "Little Satan," and how Muslim extremism has taken root and succeeded in bastardizing the fundamental Islamic tenets of peace. Lewis also covers the impact of the Iranian Revolution and American foreign policy towards it, Soviet influence in the region and the ramifications of modernization, making this clear, taut and timely primer a must-read for any concerned citizen. (171 pages; 4 maps)

Muslimah and Da'wah

Women just like men to perform religious obligations to God and beramar ma `ruf nahi unjust.

The arguments of Al-Qur `an and Sunnah include everything, except those excluded by the theorem. Sayings of the scholars is also clear in that regard. Among the propositions of the Al-Qur `an about it:

والمؤمنون والمؤمنات بعضهم أولياء بعض يأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر

"The believers, and believing, some of them are helpful for others. They were sent to the ma `ruf and prevent the unjust." (At-Tauba: 71)

كنتم خير أمة أخرجت للناس تأمرون بالمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر وتؤمنون بالله

"You are the best Ummah who are born to humans. You get to the ma `ruf and prevent the unjust and you believe in God." (Ali Imron: 110)

Should she call people to God with adab-adab in accordance with the shari'ah `at what is demanded of the men. She was also to be patient and reward from God:

واصبروا إن الله مع الصابرين

"Be patient you, for Allah with those who patiently persevere." (Al-Anfal: 46)

And also the word of Allah azza telling wajalla Luqman to his son saying:

"O my son, be steadfast in prayer, send to the ma` ruf, forbid from the unjust and be patient you deal with what happen, because it is a matter which is required of God. "(Luqman: 17)

Then he also should consider a few cases, such as: he must be a model in maintaining iffah (honorary), veil, and Salih charity. Let him menjahui tabarruj and ikhtilath (mix-ups between men and women who are not mukhrim) that it is forbidden to him preach with words and actions in leaving what is forbidden by God above. (This is the answer to question: What is your opinion between women and propaganda?)

Next Question: Do we need to make time for a woman that he preach to God?

Answer: I do not find that there are restrictions in that regard. If you find a woman who could preach Sholihah, then he should be helped, set the time, asked him to coach the women like, because it is the women need to mentor women. The existence of such women among other women sometimes more useful in conveying the mission to take him to the right than men. Sometimes the women were ashamed to ask the da `i the man, so he hid what he should ask. Sometimes he is also forbidden to listen to the preaching of men. But if you `inya woman, she is not. Because he can close with him and tell him what he needs and it's bigger influence.

So women who have science or da'wah should carry out this duty and lead to good word of God as best he could based on:

ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة وجادلهم بالتي هي أحسن

"Take them to the Lord your path with wisdom and good advice as well as those with debatlah best way." (An-Nahl: 125)

قل هذه سبيلي أدعو إلى الله على بصيرة أنا ومن اتبعني

"Say: This is my path, I call people to God based on bashiroh (science), I and those who follow me." (Yusuf: 108)

"And who better words than those who call people to Allah and do good Salih and he said: Surely I am of those who have surrendered (Muslims)." (At-Taghabun: 16)

And also the word of God Subhanahuwata `ala:

"So bertaqwalah you could." (Fushilat: 33)

The verses which convey the same is quite a lot. Include men and women, and only God who gives taufiq.


Quoted from Bulletin Islamiy "Al-Minhaj", second edition Year I, pp. 16

VaLenTiNe Day and IsLaM

Rata Penuh
"Jews and Christians would not like to you until you follow their religion. Say: 'The guidance of Allah That guidance (right) ". and indeed if thou follow their desires after the knowledge came to you, then God is no longer the protector and helper for you ". (Surat al-Baqarah [2]: 120)".

Islam is a complete religion, which is not merely a religion. More than that, Islam is a value system and life systems. For some people, Islam is a liberator, Islam is the savior. However, for most people who have secure and established a system that has dianutnya, Islam is a threat. It's not unusual when so much antipathy toward Islam. Since Islam was born was already so. Various methods are used to devastated. Through openly or secretly.
The most effective efforts and do not need to spend a lot of energy to destroy one of Islam is to obscure the teachings of Islam. Samuel Zwemer in al Quds conference for priests in 1935 saying: "Actually, your task is not out Muslims from their religion to your religion. However, keep them away from his religion (the Qur'an and Sunnah) ". One of those moments that are often used to distance Muslims from their religion is a valentine's day.

One morning Desy surprising his friends with a red flower that he put on his chest, they were immediately greeted with a smile and asked, "In the context of what this is?" Desy said, "Do not you know that this is a day of love in which people were celebrating and congratulating each other. This is a celebration to express my love, romance and all sincerity, this is Valentine's Day ...". But Sari, one of his friends asked Desy in amazement, "What is the meaning of Valentine's Day?" Desy said, "It means love in Latin ..!" Sari laughed at the answer, "Are you celebrating something you do not understand its meaning? Did you know that Valentine was a priest who lived in Christianity to 3rd century AD?" Sari said pitched concerned about the state of some Muslim women are easy to follow what comes to them without thinking.


Sari went on: "The Catholic Encyclopedia mentions three versions of the Valentine, but the popular version is the story of Reverend St.Valentine who lived in the late 3rd century AD at the time of the Roman King Claudius II. On February 14, 270 AD Claudius II St.Valentine execute the have opposed some of his orders. " "Claudius II saw St.Valentine religion invites man to Christianity and he was ordered to arrest him. In the second version, Claudius II, the boys looked more resilient in the war than those who have been married since the beginning refused to go to war. So he issued an order prohibiting the marriage. But this command St.Valentine opposed and continue to hold church wedding in secret until the last note was imprisoned. In prison he became acquainted with the daughter of a prison guard who became ill. She treated him so well and fell in love with him. Before sentenced to death , he sent a card that read "From a sincere love, Valentine's Day." This happened after the child is converted to Christianity along with 46 relatives. "

Continue Sari: "A third version mentions the religion Christianity spread in Europe, in one village there is a Roman tradition that attracted the attention of pastors. In the tradition of the village youth were always together every mid-February. They write the names of villages and laid her in a box, and every young man take one name from the box, and the girl whose name would become his lover out of the year. He also sent a card saying "the name of god mother, I am sending you this card."

Sari continued: "Due to the difficulty of eliminating this Roman tradition, the priests decided to replace the phrase" with the name of god mother "with the phrase" with the name of Reverend Valentine "that can bind to these young men with religious Christians."

"Another version says St.Valentine asked about Atharid, god of trade, fluency, treason and theft, and Jupiter, the Roman god of the greatest people. So he answered the gods are man-made and that the real god is Isa Al Masih," explained Sari, "the Most High God of what is said by people who are dzalim."

"Even now circulating the cards this religious festival with a child drawing with two wings to fly around a heart with arrows directed towards actual heart is a symbol of the god of love for the Romans!" So Sari end advice.


ABG currently most affected by the disease Muslim bandwagon and follow suit in the Western or Christian culture under the influence of television and other mass media. Included also in this celebration of Valentine's Day, which is basically relived St.Valentine pastor. The desire to join in. There is within man, but it would be reprehensible in Islam when those who followed us different from the beliefs and thoughts.

Especially if followed in the case of creed, worship, syi'ar and habits. And the Apostle has forbidden to follow the procedures of worship other than Islam: "He who imitate a nation, so he included from the them." (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi). If the intention to celebrate Valentine's think back then no doubt that he was an infidel, as for if he did not mean that he has done a great kemungkaran. Ibn al-Qayyim said, "Giving congratulations on pagan rituals that special person for them, it was agreed that such unlawful acts. For instance congratulated on holidays and their fasting, by saying," Happy holidays! "And similar. For those who say, if they do not come to infidelity, at least it is an unlawful act. That he has been congratulated for their actions who worship the cross. Even the act is greater sin in Allah's wrath and more than congratulated for what to drink alcohol or killed. Many people who do not understand the religion got into the act without being aware of the bad deeds.

Like people who congratulate others for their immoral actions, heresy or infidelity he had prepared himself to get the anger and wrath of God. "Waqid Abu radhiyallah 'anhu narrated: The Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wa sallam when out to the war of Khaibar, he through a tree of idolaters, who called Dzaatu Anwaath, usually they hung their weapons on the tree. The Messenger of Allaah friends' alaihi wa sallam said, "O Allah, make us Dzaatu Anwaath, as they have Dzaatu Anwaath. "So the Messenger of Allah n says," Glory to God, this is pronounced like the Prophet Moses, 'Make us a god as they have gods. " By the Essence of my soul in His hands, so you will follow those customs that existed before you. "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, he says, hasan saheeh).

Is mandatory for every person who uttered two sentences the testament to implement wala 'and bara' (loyalty to Muslims and innocent of pagan groups) which is a basic belief held by the righteous salaf. Namely loving believers and hated infidels, enemies and their menyelisihi. And know that this attitude where there is an infinite benefit, otherwise resembling the lifestyle of people disbelieve it contains more damage.

Other than that, mengekornya Muslims to their lifestyle will make them happy, after all, resemble the infidels can generate love and heart attachment. Allaah has said, which means: "O ye who believe, do not you take the Jewish people and Christians become the leaders (of all); some of them are leaders to each other. Whoever among you take them into leaders, the real person they belonged to. Verily Allah does not guide the people who do wrong. " (Al-Maidah: 51)

"You will not find a nation who believe in Allah and the Last Day, berkasih mutual affection with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger." (Al-Mujadilah: 22)

"And let not pity for the adulterer is preventing you to (run) the religion of Allah, if ye believe in Allah, and the day akherat." (An-Nur: 2)

Among the adverse effects like they are; participate popularize their rituals so terhapuslah Sunnah. There is no innovation, no matter when it is turned on unless there is a Sunnah of the deceased. Other adverse events, that by following them means extending the number of them, support and follow their religion, but a Muslim prayer in every raka'at read, "Show us the straight path, (ie) the way of the people whom thou hast bestowed favors to them ; not the (path) of their wrath and not (all the way) they are astray. " (Al-Fatiha :6-7)

How could he begged God to show him the way the people in faith and kept away from their class path error and wrath, but instead he wandered off the path voluntarily.

There was a girl says, that he did not follow their beliefs, it's just Valentine's Day is specifically gives the meaning of love and love citanya to people who commemorate. This is an omission, but once again this is a celebration of other religious rituals! Prizes are awarded as an expression of love is a good thing, but when linked with the Christian parties and the Western traditions, will result obsessed by culture and their lifestyle. Party on that day is not something trivial, but rather reflect the adoption of Western values are not normative view of social boundaries between men and women that we see their social structure in ruins.

Alhamdulillah, we have the replacement is much better than it all, so we do not need to imitate and resemble them. Among other things, that in our view, a mother has a great position, we can offer it to him from time to time, as well as for father, brother, husband. Etc., but that we do not specifically at the celebration by the people infidels.

May God always makes our lives filled with love and sincere affection, which became the bridge to enter the area hamparannya Heaven Heaven and earth are reserved for those who fear Allah. May Allah make us one of the classic that people mentioned: "My love is for those who love each other because I, who visited each other because I and a mutual sacrifice because I am." (Al-Hadith).


Question: In these days it has spread and entrenched celebration of Valentine's Day, especially among women students, and he is one of several kinds of Christians holidays. Usually the outfit complete with red shoes, and they exchange red roses. How law celebrate this Valentine's Day, and what are your suggestions and recommendations to the Muslims. May God always keep and protect you.

Answer: Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.Merayakan Valentine's Day should not be, because: First: it is an innovated holiday that no legal basis in Islamic law. Second: it can cause liver busy with petty things like this case is very contrary to the instructions of the salaf salih (our predecessor) - may Allah meridhai them. It is not lawful to do the ritual feast, either in the form of eating, drinking, clothing, gift or exchange of another. Every Muslim should feel proud of their religion, not a person who does not have a handle and part of it.

May Allah protect the Muslims from all fitnah (test of life), which was or is hidden and may include us all with the guidance of His

Calligraphy Islamic art with design of animals

Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals
Calligraphy Islamic art - animals

Although in my opinion (the author) animal-shaped Islamic calligraphy is a classic design calligraphy, calligraphy art form but was still interested in animals. Among them there are in the form of tigers, birds, elephants, horses, and fish. Here are examples of calligraphy animals ever published on the internet:

Specialists of Central Asia: Russia Becoming Islamic State in the Year 2050

The experts who concentrate on central Asian region, predicts that Russia will turn into an Islamic state in about 2050 years later. They hope that countries such as Egypt continued to embrace the Commonwealth countries of Russia with a population of Muslims who love and defend the values of Islam and Arab culture. From their country of birth has been well-known scholars in various fields of Islamic sciences, such as Imam Bukhari and Tirmizi, and other scholars, which has provided influence and contribution to the Islamic world.
Islamic russia
Mohammad Salama, a specialist in Central Asia and Russia in the Commonwealth headquarters seminar on Culture Abdul Mun'im Al Showi in Cairo with the theme, "State of Imam Bukhari and the latent wealth in it" says, dozens of academic reviewers in Russia have concluded, based on developments seen from Muslim countries are former Soviet, then later in the year 2050 the Russian state is predicted to be part of an Islamic state.

Developments that significantly happened in Russia, for example in terms of population, the number of Muslims in Russia has now reached 25 million people, ie 20% of the total population. The Orthodox church scholars who are in the country was reportedly worried, seeing the development of Islam that so rapidly, they even refer to Islam as a religion that threatened their religion esksistensi there.

Salama then added, since 20 years ago he continued to observe the development of Islam in Russia, since there are Muslims under the communist government and had a wonderful time restraints, such as the ban took Mushaf Koran, mosques in the lid, until finally now, Russian Muslims have had their rights properly. And Islam was now the second religion in the country.

Salama then talked about his efforts to spread Islam, he founded an Islamic University in Moscow, and what it teaches about the religion of Islam, including to the country's senior politicians, including the Pladimar Putin, Prime Minister of Russia now.

Egyptian Ambassador to Tajikistan; a Muslim country and former Soviet zeal to tell going there Islamic values, including the holding of the celebration of the birthday of Imam Abu Hanifa in the year 2009 and then, the local government then invited the scholars from various OIC member countries led by Sheikh Al-Azhar, they then entertained directly by the President of the Tajik, Ali Rakhmonov.

Hajj in Islam

Hajj in Islam

Pilgrimage in Islam traditionally recognize as Hajj, which had been discussed in Quran with detail. What is its importance, background and reason perform is almost manipulated during centuries. Here a short synopsis of this pilgrimage known as Hajj in the light of Quran. The word Hajj is from Hujjat, which means to discuss and find the solution to the problems. At this annual event, must discuss the problems and find the solutions for the problems facing the Ummah. Annual program must be spelled out in front of the Ummah and in the subsequent year the goals achieved throughout the year should be presented at the next Hajj. This is the place where unified policy of the Muslim world must be charted out. It should become United Nations of Islam. This should be in addition to present rituals of Hajj.

Current Ritual (Back Ground): Every year about three million gather for the major pilgrimage, or Hajj .The Hajj is the Pilgrimage to Makkah and is the fifth of the "Five Pillars of Islam
. The focal point of Makkah is the Kaaba, the "House of God" believed by Muslims to have been built by Abraham peace be upon him and his son Ishmael peace be upon him, and which is covered in a gold-embroidered black fabric. Pilgrims circle the Kaaba seven times and may also try to touch or kiss its cornerstone, the Black Stone the Black Stone (called Al-Hajarul Aswad in Arabic). The importance of Mecca for Muslims is inestimable. A Muslim is a believer in or follower of Islam. The direction of prayer is known as the Qibla.

The word Hajj is from Hujjat, which means to discuss and find the solution to the problems. At this annual event, must discuss the problems and find the solutions for the problems facing the Ummah. Annual program must be spelled out in front of the Ummah and in the
subsequent year the goals achieved throughout the year should be presented at the next Hajj. This is the place where unified policy of the Muslim world must be charted out. It should become United Nations of Islam. This should be in addition to present rituals of Hajj.

Museum of Islamic Art, Doha

Museum located in the capital of Qatar, Doha and was designed by architect IM Pei.This museum is built on a manmade island area of 45.000 m2 and is located on the edge of the port of Doha, at the southern end of Doha Bay.

The museum is dedicated to research in Islamic art, learning and creativity. that's why in the museum there is space research, libraries and restaurants.The museum is showing a collection of art from the 8th century until -19 th century from the Islamic world and the countries that have been influenced by the trend of Islamic art, such as India and Spain.

The museum also displays metals, ceramics, precious stones and jewelry, wood, textiles, ivory, examples of Islamic calligraphy, ancient books and portraits.The museum has at least 4500 objects, but only about 850 will be on display at one time.Arab envoy in Qatar, said the museum will play an important role in deepening the relationship between East and West.



Area Umayyad (brown), Spain and Ibn Rushd
UmayyadsThis dynastic name derived from the name of the Umayyad ibn 'Abd ash-Shams, great-grandfather of the first Umayyad caliph, ie Muawiya I. Expansion is stalled at the time of Caliph Uthman Ibn
Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib resumes. Sea Fleet successfully entered Constantinople, now Istanbul, and even to India in the east and managed to enter Spain in the West.

Dynasty 'Abbasid

Dynasty 'AbbasidThe Islamic Caliphate that ruled in Baghdad, Iraq right now. This Caliphate rising power after defeating the Umayyad dynasty from all except Andalusia. The Abbasids established by the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad's uncle was the youngest, Abbas. Developed over two centuries, but slowly faded after the rise of the Turkish soldiers that they form (Mamluk). Fall of the total in the year 1258 due to attacks by the Mongols led by Hulagu Khan, who destroyed Baghdad and did not leave one bit of knowledge gathered in the library of Baghdad.

al-Hambra in Granada

al-Hambra in Granada, Spain (which translates in Arabic that is RED, because from a distance this looks red castle) was built in the early 11 th century with modern technology, irrigation water and the first of the oldest in Europe at the moment Paris is a city that is very, very poor , dirty and not well known .. and europa in the dark where disease and poverty is rampant, while the reverse of it happened there was progress in Granada - Spanish Muslims who menjelelajahi europa Europa building with the Islamic civilization that is advanced in time in a state of retarded europa about approximately 650 years before Da Vinci was born and influential of the year till now and many mathematical formulas used in the construction of this palace

Battle of Uhud

Is the battle between the Muslims and the infidels of Quraish on March 22. Islamic Army numbered about 700 people while the infidel army numbered about 3,000 people. Islamic army led by the Prophet Muhammad and the pagan army led by Abu Sufyan. Called the Battle of Uhud because they occurred near the hill of Uhud which is located 4 miles from Mosque
Nabawi and has a height of 1000 feet from the ground with a 5-mile long