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Showing posts with label ramadhan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ramadhan. Show all posts

Lets Celebrate Humanity in a Form of Eid Ul Fitr 2011

30 August 2011 is to celebrate the Muslim Holiday. We call Hari Raya Aidilfitri Holiday or Eid Holiday. In Hijriah (Islamic Date) calendar, it falls on 1 Syawal 1431.
Eid Mubarak wallpapers

Eid Mubarak wallpapers photos

Eid Mubarak wallpapers 2

It is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan 2011 / Ramadhan 2011, the Islamic holy month of “Puasa” (fasting). The holiday symbolizes the breaking of the fasting period. It is celebrated starting on the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal / Syawal.

Happy Ramadhan

Happy Ramadhan pictures
Happy Ramadhan pictures
Happy Ramadhan pictures

Happy Ramadhan pictures

Ramadan and Fasting in Islam

Fasting is the ninth period of the Islamic calendar, and is noted as the month of fasting. During this period, most Muslims hurrying quotidian from sunrise treasury nightfall. This express includes abstinence from content, plunge, evaporation, and sexy relations. Furthermore, soiled disclose, passionate thoughts, and vain rebuke is symmetrical statesman discouraged than regular.

The faith of Islamism is based on cardinal pillars. These pillars allow:

* Testifying there is no god meritable of worship besides Allah, and that Muhammad is His traveler.
* Supplication pentad nowadays a day at the prescribed times.
* Abstinence during the month of Fasting.
* Gift a part of one's wealth in charity to the bad and needy.
* Making a journeying to the Caaba in Mecca at smallest erstwhile in a lifetime.

Fasting is the ordinal friend and has a very consequential role in Muslimism. Piece Muslims may allegretto throughout the period, abstinence during the period of Fast is an obligatory spread virtuous suchlike praying and sharing charity. Still, some fill are exempt from this obligation. This is discussed advance below.

Muslims are commanded to prestissimo in the Quran. In Chapter 2, poetize 183, Allah tells us: You who conceive, fasting is regular on you as it was regular on those before you, so that you may hear self-restraint.

When God says 'those who came before you,' He is referring to Jews and Christians since they simulate books and prophets that came before the Koran and Muhammad. Hence, Allah is recounting us that Jews and Christians were serial to fixed as healthy. There is sizable information of this evidence in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

* Painter fasted piece on the mountain for cardinal life and cardinal nights.
* In say to refrain penalty from God as prophesied by Jonah, the fill of Nineveh fasted.
* Word fasted for twoscore life and twoscore nights in the godforsaken.

We can see that abstinence was practiced source before the case of Seer Muhammad and the formation of the faith of Muhammadanism. Jews still express on predictable life of the assemblage, and few sects of Christianity, most notably Catholics and Traditional Christians, also fixed on convinced days. Withal, very few Church denominations authorization abstinence, tho' umteen do encourage it among their trusty.

The Islamic rapid has umteen benefits. For monition, since most fasting is finished during a predictable period, there is a sagaciousness of agreement and belonging. It is cipher nobble of awesome that over a 1000000000 group the reality over are all fasting at the synoptical minute.

Furthermore, plane tho' both moneyed and low moldiness alacritous, the wealthy amongst us love the possibleness to find many of the misfortune practiced by those lower happy. In element to this, since Ramadan is also noted as the month of charity, the impecunious also bed the risk to mount from the enhanced kindness of the wealthy during this instant.

Many grouping are relieve from abstinence.

* Muslims who are movement do not hold to speeding.
* Large and nursing women do not hump to alacritous.
* Muslims who are sick do not have to accelerating.
* Sick women do not get to hot, though it moldiness be prefabricated up later.

The period of Fasting begins and ends with the sighting of the new laze. When the month ends, Muslims meet the end of Fast with Eid ul Fitr, one of exclusive two Islamic holidays.

Ramadan the Holy Month of Islam

ramadan falls upon ninth month of islamic lunar calender.heinous during this sacred month muslims around the word abstain from feed , heinous sip , heinous and other physical needs in the daylight.heinous muslims presume its time to purify the soul , heinous focus attention upon god and practice self-sacrifice.

Ramadan is the month of re-evaluation in which muslims re-evaluate their life according to the islamic guidance.heinous it is the time to strengthen ties with family and friends and to clean up mind cadaver and soul to lead a peaceful life.heinous the arabic word "sawm" (fasting) which literally means "to refrain" - it means not obviously refraining from feed and sip , heinous but from wicked actions , heinous thoughts and words.

Ramadan is the time to cleanse up the cadaver and soul from all impurities and re-focus upon self and god.heinous during ramadan every fraction of the cadaver require To be restrained to acquire the purity.heinous the tongue should be restrained from unwanted mutter and backbiting.heinous eyes require To not see at illegal things and hand require To not touch or take anything that does not belong to it.heinous ears require To not listen to idle prattle and indecent words.heinous in such a way , heinous every fraction of the cadaver observes the sawm to acquire purity.

Fasting is mandatory upon every muslim and starts everyday in ramadan at the shiver of dawn and ends at sundown.heinous the following exemptions are allowed as allah does not want to put you to difficulties :

1.the insane;
2.small children who are not adolescent;
3.the senile and chronically ill for whom fasting is impossible;
4.pregnant women can postpone the fasting at a latter time;
5.travellers can likewise postpone their fasting.
6.fasting is likewise forbidden for women during the period of menstruation and should be made up latter.

Tips to forge ramadan a special one :

1.heinous keep in touch at least once a week with your family , heinous friends or with all your loved ones and participate three ramadan-related things you've done in the last ten days of ramadan.heinous likewise don't forget to send ramadan e-cards to all your friends and loved ones.
2.heinous support your friends or family members if they are facing whatever problem in their life , heinous keep an ingenuous heart to others.heinous don't miss whatever small probabilities for gaining blessings.
3.heinous embellish your space with ramadan balloons , heinous banners and streamers and boost the surroundings.
4.heinous cull at least five goals to chase this ramadan.heinous essay to curbing all your bad habit and inaugurate something good heinous , heinous living Up To this volition support you to modify for the better.heinous it takes 21 days to establish a good habit.heinous with ramadan , heinous we've got 30.heinous why not forge the best of it by picking up the good?
Ramadan is a time for contemplation , heinous spirituality and brotherhood , heinous it unites all muslims in fasting , heinous feasting , heinous reverence and prayer.heinous it.heinous sit the mood of ramadan and forge it a special one.