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Showing posts with label Islamic calligraphy painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic calligraphy painting. Show all posts

Chinese Caligrafi Islam

Chinese Caligrafi Islam

Chinese Caligrafi Islam photos

Chinese Caligrafi Islam art

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Islamic Chinese Caligrafi

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Islamic Chinese Caligrafi
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم | Bismillahirrohmanirrohim
Islamic Chinese Caligrafi

Calligraphy Islamic art with design of animals II

Calligraphy Islamic art with design of animals II
Calligraphy Islamic art with design of animals 1

Calligraphy Islamic art with design of animals 1

Calligraphy Islamic art with design of animals 3

Calligraphy Islamic art with design of animals 4

Happy Ramadhan

Happy Ramadhan pictures
Happy Ramadhan pictures
Happy Ramadhan pictures

Happy Ramadhan pictures

Pharisee-style calligraphy

Pharisee-style calligraphy

As seen from its name, Pharisee-style calligraphy developed by the Persians and the official character of this nation since the time of the Safavid dynasty until now. Calligraphy is prioritizing Pharisees line element, written without a vowel, and the expertise of the author is determined by the agility to play the thick-thin letter in the 'measure' the right. This style is widely used as exterior decoration of mosques in Iran, which is usually combined with colorful arabes.

Diwani calligraphy style

Diwani calligraphy style

Diwani calligraphy style developed by the calligrapher Ibrahim Munif. Then, enhanced by Sheikh Hamdullah and Daula Ottoman calligrapher in Turkey late 15th century and early 16th century. This style is used to write an official letter head of the kingdom. The character of this style and not berharakat round. The beauty of the writing depends on the line games that are sometimes at a particular letter or neninggi decline, far exceeding the standard horizontal line. Diwani calligraphy models used for architectural ornament and book covers.

Jali Diwani calligraphy style

Jali Diwani calligraphy style

Jali Diwani calligraphy style is Diwani style development. Calligraphy writing style was introduced by Hafiz Usman, a prominent calligrapher Daula in Ottoman Turkey. Anatomy letter Jali Diwani Diwani basically similar, but much more ornamental, solid, and sometimes in piles. In contrast to the no berharakat Diwani, Diwani Jali otherwise very abundant. Harakat is more abundant intended for decorative purposes and do not necessarily serve as punctuation. Therefore, this style is difficult to read in a flash. Usually, this model is used for applications that are not functional, such as mosques or interior decorative objects.

Raihani Style calligraphy

Raihani Style calligraphy
Style calligraphy certificate (Raihani) is a combination of styles Tsuluts and Naskhi, which was developed by the Ottoman calligrapher Daula. This style commonly used for writing diploma from a calligraphy teacher to pupil. Tsuluts characters such as letters, but more modest, less frills, and written unusual overlap (murakkab).

Riq'ah Calligraphic style

Riq'ah Calligraphic style

Calligraphic style is the result of the development Riq'ah calligraphy styles Naskhi and Tsuluts. As with the writing style used in Naskhi everyday writing. Riq'ah Daula developed by the Ottoman calligrapher, also commonly used for ordinary handwriting or for other practical purposes. The character is very simple letters without vowel, making it possible to write fast.

Moalla calligraphy style

Moalla calligraphy style
Although not well known, Moalla calligraphy style is the style that is not standard, and are not included in the guide books calligraphy general circulation. Although not so well known, calligraphy is still included in the list of the types of calligraphy in the Arabic wikipedia, classified as part of a growing type of calligraphy in Iran. Calligraphy was introduced by Hamid Ajami, a Tehran-born calligrapher.

Naskhi Calligraphic

Naskhi Calligraphic

Calligraphic style most often used Naskhi Muslims, both for religious writing and writing everyday. Style Naskhi including the oldest calligraphic style. Since the rules of writing are systematically formulated by Ibn Muqlah in the 10th century, the style is very popular calligraphy used to write the Qur'an Mushaf until now. Character simple letters, with hardly any frills, so easily written and read.

Tsuluts Calligraphy

Tsuluts CalligraphyLike Kufi style, calligraphy style Tsuluts introduced by Ibn Muqlah who is a minister (wazii) at the time of the Abbasid Caliphate. Tsuluts style calligraphy is very ornamental, with lots of frills and easy to shape in a particular composition to meet the writing space is available. The work style of calligraphy using Tsuluts can be written in the form of the curve, with tapered head and sometimes written in a style that continues strong and the intersection. Because of the beauty and flexibility of this, many Tsuluts style ornaments used as mosque architecture, book covers, and interior decoration.

Kufi Calligraphy

Kufi Calligraphy

Calligraphy writing style is widely used for the initial period of copying the Qur'an. Therefore, this Kufi style of writing is the oldest model among all styles of calligraphy. This style was first developed in the city of Kufa, Iraq, which is one of the most important city in the history of Islamic civilization from the 7th century AD Calligraphy writing style introduced by Mr. Calligraphy Arabic, Ibn Muqlah, has a character who is very stiff, broken, and very formal. This style evolved into a more ornamental and is often combined with floral ornaments.

rules and techniques on calligraphy

calligraphyCalligraphy has special rules and techniques in the process. Not only the techniques of writing, but also on color selection, material, medium, until the pen.

Technically, calligraphy is also very dependent on the geometry principles and rules of balance. Rules of this balance is fundamentally supported by the letter alif and a marker point and differentiator for some Arabic letters.

Although the development appears hundreds of calligraphic writing styles, not all of these styles survive until today. There are nine styles of calligraphy are popular writing known to the art lovers of calligraphy;

1. Kufi
2. Tsuluts
3. Naskhi
4. Riq'ah

5. Ijazah (Raihani)
6. Diwani7. Diwani Jali
8. Farisi
9. Moalla

Devine of Calligraphy

Devine of CalligraphyCalligraphy

One form of the beauty of the Qur'an is the art of writing beautiful or often called Calligraphy. Calligraphy created and developed by the Muslims since the arrival of Islam. Compared to other Islamic art, calligraphy obtain the highest position and is an expression of Islamic spirit that is very typical. Therefore, calligraphy is often referred to as the 'art Islamic art' (the art of Islamic).

Although calligraphy works identical to the Arabic script, calligraphy word itself comes from the Greek (kalios: beautiful and Graphia: writing). Meanwhile, the Arabic mengistilahkannya with khatt (text or line) is aimed at the beautiful writing (al-al-jamilah kitabah or al-khatt al-jamil).

Arabic calligraphy roots are actually Egyptian hieroglyphic writings which later split into khatt Feniqi (Phoenician), Aramaic (Aramaic), and Musnad (a book that includes all kinds of hadith). According to al-Maqrizi, an expert on the history of the 4th century, Arabic calligraphy was first developed by the community Himyar (tribes who inhabited the Arabian Peninsula southwestward around 115-525 BC). Musnad an ancient Arabic calligraphy that developed first of the many types khatt used by the community Himyar. Musnad of the old writings that developed in Yemen, was born khatt Kufi.

Calligraphy Basmallah

Calligraphy Basmallah
Calligraphy Basmallah

Calligraphy BasmallahCalligraphy Basmallah

Islamic Calligraphy

eagle-shaped calligraphyy

Eagle Islamic Calligraphy

Islamic Calligraphy

eagle-shaped calligraphyBird-Islamic Calligraphy

Islamic calligraphy hawk-shaped, smoke and birds. Islamic calligraphy is generated Indonesian people.

When Hand Written Calligraphy No More

Maybe you're curious after reading the title above. As we know, calligraphy is identical with beautiful handwriting. In fact, by definition, is called calligraphy works presented written form through the flexibility of the hand. "Calligraphy is not handwritten kok?" You may ask. "Then write to wear?"

The answer is the computer.

You've never known kelk 2007 program? With this program, calligraphy can be made very well. Although not selentur hand calligraphy works, kelk program has the ability to create beautiful letters. Unlike written arabic fonts through the Arab-based computers that are still stiff, Kelk programs have flexibility in preparing the letter.

Take a look at the writings of Al-Fatihah letter below. Beautiful is not it?

Kelk program is designed to write calligraphy. Though less so perfect in the writing of calligraphy overlapping types tsuluts, Kelk has the advantage in writing or hot type ta'liq typical ta'liq Iran.

See also the example below:

Islamic calligraphy painting
Islamic calligraphy painting
Islamic calligraphy painting
Islamic calligraphy painting
On the Internet, a lot of illegal software in circulation is the previous version, namely Kelk 2000. Unfortunately this program can only be installed on Windows XP-based Arabic. I've installed on Windows XP, can not write letters for the English-based keyboard. May need to install the Arabic language?

You never used this program?

Japanese artists with Arabic Calligraphy Specialties

Arabic Calligraphy Specialties-Kouichi Honda
Interest to Kouichi Honda arabic calligraphy began about 30 years ago when he worked in Saudi Arabia as a translator. Now, in addition to its popularity in Japan is increasing, Honda is also known as a calligrapher international arab. Calligraphy works exhibited regularly in Japan and has a rapidly growing student.

Honda's work is often applied in a bright background is not like the classic Japanese calligraphy written on a plain background or a pastel.

Honda studied Arabic in college, until the late 1960s when he took a job in Saudi Arabia as a translator for a Japanese company that makes a map for the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Kingdom of Japan. When he returned to Japan, he continued to practice what he had learned from the calligrapher who accompany the map-making expedition, in charge of writing the names of the sand hills and dry rivers in the map.

Asmaul Husna on Iran Designers Hand

Islamic calligraphy painting
Islamic calligraphy painting